Global Warming Meaning: Global warming can be defined as heating of earth because of increase in green house gases ((carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane).There are several other causes also for global warming which are explained in this video .These gases trap more heat from the sunlight reflected by earth ,so temperature of the earth goes up.This may hurt all living beings.There are other harmful effects also .In this educative video,find all answers to the questions about what is global warming ,what is ozone layer,what is greenhouse effect etc. Suitable for :Kindergarten,grade 2,grade 3,grade 4,grade 5,grade 6,grade 7, year 6,year,7,year 8,year 9,year 10, year 11,year 12, ks 2,ks 3,ks,4,ks 5,ks 6,ks 7.