Plant Adaptations For Kids

Adaptations are the changes that help a plant species survive in its environment.

Have you ever observed that certain plants are found in one place but if you travel to some other place, you happen to see very different plants? For example, you wouldn't see a cactus living in the Arctic.Certain plants can grow indoors while other plants survive only in outdoors.

This is because plants are adapted to certain environments, they have special features which help them to survive in certain habitats while they may not help them in another environment.


Types of adaptations:

Structural Adaptations:

The physical features of the plants that help them to survive are known as structural plantations.

An example of this is the formation of spines in certain plants like such as cacti and roses. These can stop a plant being eaten by grazing animals. Certain plants with wide-ranging, shallow roots to absorb lots of water after rain, few others have large leaves to maximise photosynthesis and many have large number of flowers, which attract insects to pollinate them.

Physiological Adaptations:

These are the processes in the plants that help them to tackle special situations during adverse conditions. A plant named nightshade is so poisonous it can kill if consumed by humans.

In hot areas, plants keep their stomata closed during the day-time. They do it to reduce water loss during the day time. Some desert plants have adapted themselves to drop their leaves/petals when water is scarce in order to avoid losing water vapor through their pores

Behavioural Adaptations:

These are the behaviours in the plants which make them good enough to grow and survive. All plant shoots grow quickly towards the light to maximise photosynthesis.

Most of the plants has more than one adaptation.

Venus flytrap is one of the examples that has both structural and behavioural adaptations. These help it to catch insects. The flytrap is a structural adaptation whereas the closing of the trap to catch an insect is a behavioural adaptation.

In this animation video, two kids travel to different type of habitats and they come across several types of plants. They learn about the adaptations in plants while observing they very closely.

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